Opening up New Possibilities in B2B Trade with Pay-e

Cloud-based Integrated Platform that Connects Brands, Distributors and Retailers in the FMCG space

Opening up New Possibilities

Pay-e The Platform for Higher Productivity

Did you know that the FMCG/retail distribution business module generates billions of rupees in yearly revenue, that too only from top 10 brands?

Despite this huge volume, lack of technology-driven, streamlined processes has hampered the productivity of all key stakeholders in B2B trade.

Presenting Pay-e, an innovative digital platform that connects Brands, Distributors and Retailers under one roof, making it India’s largest collaboration platform for B2B trade. At Pay-e, our aim is to make B2B trade more efficient, productive and profitable by adopting the latest technology.

Why Choose Pay-e

Why Choose Pay-e

Pay-e for Brands

Brand owners never used to get real-time and accurate reports for sales, stock inventory, market acquisition, active and inactive partners, etc.

Also, the traditional email based system of accepting orders and announcing promotional schemes is inefficient and tedious.

With pay-e, Brand Owners can now

Pay-e for Distributors

Pay-e for Distributors

Distributors have always been dependent on the typical marketing executive to connect with retailers for orders and payments.

They have to cope with multiple issues in the current model: No direct control over retailer; risk of financial loss; flawed order placement mechanism and reduced productivity due to executive spending time at retail store or wandering aimlessly in the market.

With its advanced technology and multifaceted functionality, Pay-e helps Distributors in the following ways:

Automated Invoicing System, taking out the stress and complexity in invoicing.
Paperless operations
Secure online as well as cash payments
Enforces a professional delivery mechanism
Real-time inventory management
Stabilized delivery system, assuring timely delivery of orders to Retailers
Sales executive given access to view stock availability, pending invoice and to charge the invoice through online payment
Get immediate notification after the receipt is generated
Improve productivity by utilizing field staff for more strategic purposes
Invest time and resources for business growth and expansion rather than struggle in the process every single day

Pay-e for Retailers

Pay-e for Retailers

Retailers have always stood the risk of fraudulent transactions and incompetency from field staff

With Pay-e, you can now:

Track all your orders in real time.
Ensure transparency and clarity in payments.
Place your orders over the app; no need to call/wait for Distributor’s response
Get instant update on any new scheme
Execute promotional schemes faster and better
Track your procurement for a specific brand(s)
View purchase order, invoice and receipt on demand (which are digitally available)
Multiple brands are connected through a single mobile app